Andrew visited Uzbekistan in October 2024 and was invited to give presentations at the Pedagogical Institute and Karakalpak State University in Nukus, and Uzbek State World Languages University and the Academy of Public Administration in Tashkent. He also gave a reading at the Oybek House Museum. A TV report on the event at the Pedagogical Institute can be seen here.
Andrew introduced the documentary Amu Darya, River To A Missing Sea at Chichester Cinema in Sept 2024 and read the poem from Three Karakalpak Poets which is included in the film.
There was a report on Uzbek national TV about the presentation (below) of Three Karakalpak Poets. There is a clip of it here.
Andrew gave a presentation of Three Karakalpak Poets at the Uzbek embassy summer party in London in July 2024.
Andrew read Aral Sea-related poems by Berdaq, Ibrayim Yusupov and himself at the Earth Cafe in Chichester in June 2024.
A stanza of one of the translations in Three Karakalpak Poets is featured in the documentary Amu Darya, River To A Missing Sea. The trailer for it is here.
An interview with Andrew was published in the Uzbek newspaper Jadid in May 2024.
There was a report on Uzbek national TV about the presentation (below) of New Method, New Poetry. There is a clip of it here.
Andrew gave a presentation of New Method, New Poetry, along with Uzbek students, at the Uzbek embassy in London in May 2024.
The Uzbek Foreign Minister presented a copy of New Method, New Poetry to the UK Foreign Minister on his visit to Uzbekistan as part of his tour of Central Asia in April and May 2024.
Two of the translations of ghazals by Alisher Navoiy have been included in the anthology A Thousand Golden Cities (2,500 Years of Writing from Afghanistan and its People), edited by Justin Marozzi.
Andrew did an online interview with Daryo TV in November 2022. It is available on YouTube.
Andrew discussed Nodira and Uvaysiy with Sophie Ibbotson at the Uzbek embassy in London in Nov 2022.
Andrew was interviewed again by UzReport World while he was in Uzbekistan in October 2022.
Three short poems from In Couplets have been translated into Uzbek by A'zam Obidov on his blog.
Andrew gave a talk about Nodira and Uvaysiy at the online Silk Road Literary Festival, in Sept 2022. It is available to watch on YouTube.
Andrew was interviewed by UzReport World while he was in Uzbekistan in April 2022.
12 Ghazals By Alisher Navoiy, 14 Poems By Abdulhamid Cho’lpon was the October book for the Oxus Society book club.
Andrew was interviewed by BBC Uzbek.
Andrew gave a talk about 12 Ghazals By Alisher Navoiy, 14 Poems By Abdulhamid Cho’lpon at the Uzbek embassy in London in Sept 2021.
Andrew was interviewed by UzReport World about his collection A New Diwan (h/t Alisher Navoiy).
Andrew took part in online presentations organised by the embassies of Uzbekistan in London and Washington to celebrate the 580th anniversary of Alisher Navoiy.
An article about A New Diwan (h/t Alisher Navoiy) was published on the Oxus Society website.
One of the Three-Line Variations in Letters Of Introduction was the basis for an improvisation by The Hermes Experiment in a concert at Cafe Oto in June 2019.
Cabaret And Classical, about the Ukrainian musicians Dakh Daughters and Valentin Silvestrov, was in the Kalyna Review.
The Beauty Of Psyche was reviewed at the indie e-book review.
Harriet And Hector was highly commended in the 2010 Strokestown International Poetry Prize.
He Compares The Blue Of His Beloved’s Eyes was commended in the Poetry on the Lake Competition 2010.