Andrew Staniland is an English poet and a co-translator of Central Asian poetry. He was born in Sheffield in 1959 and studied Politics at the University of Durham. He lived and worked in London for forty years and now lives in Chichester.
His books so far have all been self-published and are available on Amazon. The co-translations, all of Central Asian poetry, include ghazals and ruba’iyat by Alisher Navoiy, Karakalpak poetry by Berdaq, Ajiniyaz and Ibrayim Yusupov, early twentieth century poetry by the Uzbek Jadids, and poems by the great nineteenth century women poets Nodira and Uvaysiy. His own most recent collections have also been inspired by Central Asia, for example A New Diwan (h/t Alisher Navoiy), published in 2020, and In Couplets, published in 2022. Prior to these, there are more collections, narrative poems, prose-poem novels and plays. From the 1990s, there are Four Plays (1994) and Three Cine-Poems (1997), as well as many of the poems in Poems (1982-2004). Then, from 2000 onwards, there are two prose-poem novels, The Weight Of Light (2004) and The Beauty Of Psyche (2005), Two Story Poems (2009) and the collections from New Poems (2006) to the most recent.